Settling In

I am slowly settling into Nicaragua. The first week was a whirlwind as I went from New York City to Jamaica to Miami to Nicaragua. It was a rough adjustment getting used to the heat, different foods, and not being fluent in Spanish. The night before I started work I thought I had made a huge mistake. Now just over a week later I have adapted to this new country, found my way around town and the markets, and have worked my way through the heat to find my energy and excitement again. A part of me misses all the luxuries we are spoiled with in the USA but a greater part of me is loving the new adventure and experience. I see the beauty in every moment. As I thought about it today I am actually in my dream lifestyle that I have been idealizing over the past few years. I have wanted to have the time and freedom to work on a bigger project and now I have that. I teach yoga two hours a day and have the rest of the day to pursue whatever my heart desires. Now that is the newest challenge. What does my heart desire? I have experienced and learned so much in my life and I am still puzzled how to channel it so I can do my greatest good here on Earth. All I want to do is help people, I want to make a positive difference but in this confusing world of social media and the battle of need versus ignorance I feel lost. All I know for now is that Nicaragua is my beautiful home for the next six months and I am letting November be my month of settling in and digging deeper.

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